Engage Project – Expression of interest


Legambiente Molise APS is partner in the ENGAGE project – Enhancing protection
of nature and biodiversity of the “South Adriatic Ionian Strait” in the programme area – funded by
the European Union under the Interreg IPA South Adriatic Programme 2021-2027.
The main goal of ENGAGE is to contribute to protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable
development of the ecologically significant area of the “South Adriatic Ionian Strait”, considered an
Ecologically or Biologically Significant Area between Italy, Albania, and Montenegro, through
multidisciplinary actions and the exchange of good practices.
Project total budget: 132.102,48 €
EU funding: 109.338,08 €
Project duration: 01.02.2024 – 31.01.2025
Project partners:
• Management Consortium of Torre Guaceto (Italy) – Lead Partner
• Albanian Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (Albania)
• Montenegro Dolphin Research (Montenegro)
• Mediterranean Center for Environmental Monitoring (Montenegro)
• Legambiente Molise Aps (Italy)
More information on the ENGAGE project in the PDF attached.

Legambiente Molise intends to provide a technical assistance service (coordination, reporting, monitoring and implementation), within the framework of the project Engage. On this page you can download the documentation concerning the expression of interest.

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