
Title: Enhancing protection of nature and biodiversity of the “South Adriatic Ionian Strait” in the
programme area
Acronym: ENGAGE

Programme priority: PA2 – A greener South Adriatic programme area, by promoting clean and fair
energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate adaptation and risk

Programme priority specific objective: 2.2 Biodiversity, the actions shall aim at enhancing
biodiversity, green infrastructure in the urban environment, and reducing pollution, including water,
soil and air pollution (such as PM emissions).

Project duration (no. of months): 12 months

Project Summary
ENGAGE aims to capitalize the “Policy paper for the definition of a governance framework for the
South Adriatic-Ionian Straight Ecologically or Biologically Significant Area”. The Policy Paper
identified a pathway to engage key-stakeholder and decision makers to involve in the SAIS-EBSA
process. The policies emphasis the importance of the capacity building for the development of skills
for the assessment of the economic value of the region taking into consideration the ecosystem
services. Moreover, given the type of pressures identified by experts, the policy paper highlights the
need to identify key leading bodies and develop motivational hooks, including economic strategies,
to ensure meaningful and equitable engagement. To reach these results, ENGAGE proposal will
organize three capacity building of 30 hours and one incoming in Montenegro and three workshop,
in Albania, Montenegro and Molise with the involvement of the key-stakeholders and experts.
The final output will be an action plan adopted through a Memorandum of Understanding to define a
coordinated and shared actions between decision makers and key stakeholder, to create the
synergies on conservation measures between the countries of the South Adriatic to preserve the
ecological integrity of the “South Adriatic Ionian Strait” that is an Ecologically or Biologically
Significant Areas between Italy, Albania and Montenegro, identified by Conference of the parties
(COP) during the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which was held on 2014 in Pyeongchang
(Republic of Korea), and to define the further development of marine protected areas to reach the
target to place 30% of EU sea and terrestrial area under protection by 2030 as planned by the EU
Biodiversity Strategy 2030, with particular emphasis on transboundary marine protected areas.

Legambiente Molise intends to provide a technical assistance service (coordination, reporting, monitoring and implementation), within the framework of the project. On this page you can download the documentation concerning the expression of interest.

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